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The Coloniality of Sexuality

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Nana Akusua Hanson will give a brief overview of the context of Ghana in the pre-colonial to post-colonial period and the growth of homophobia in the Ghanaian cultural psyche. The legacy of colonialism that continues to distort the cultural perceptions and behaviours of the LGBT+ community today. Ghana’s anti-LGBT law in 2024 and the role of organised religion in the introduction of this law will also be highlighted.


26.11.2024, 18 Uhr
Online via Zoom


Nana Akosua Hanson is an artist and activist based in Ghana who believes deeply in the power of Art and artistic expression in changing the world. Her work spans theatre, film, sex education, community organizing to comics and graphic novels. Akosua is a radio broadcaster, and the host of the Y Lounge on Y 107.9 FM, an urban radio station in Accra, Ghana. She is also the Creator of Moongirls, an exciting African graphic novel series which follows the adventures of four women superheroes as they fight for an Africa free from patriarchy, religious fascism, corruption, homophobia, environmental destruction, and more.


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everyone interested

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