Donnerstag, 19.01.2023, 17 Uhr / Thursday, 1/19/2023, 5 pm
“Promoting Peace in midst of conflict and crisis in northeastern Nigeria”
Ptr. Ephraim Kadala, EYN/ Nigeria and Karen Hinrichs, Friedensinstitut Freiburg
Social work and peace work go hand in hand in northeastern Nigeria. How can people traumatized by the terrorist attacks of the Islamist organization Boko Haram find their way back to life? How can enmity and prejudice between the different religions and groups in Nigeria be overcome? The Church EYN, itself severely affected by violence and displacement, cares with the support of the partner organization mission 21 for the people in the refugee camps and for those who have returned to their villages.
The many challenges, but also the possibilities of trauma-sensitive work for peace and social justice, will be presented by Pastor Kadala, the head of the Peace Education Program.
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Please register online: fill in the form 1 x per person (scroll down!). Registration closes on 17.01.2023 at 8pm.
You will receive the preparation material and the link to participate shortly before the event date. During the talk, you will have the opportunity to ask questions via a chat.
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